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We were born more than a decade ago with the dream of offering a humane and quality education for everyone.

The network currently integrates 33 educational centers distributed in 8 different countries. Centers with their own history that want to provide their students with a high level of academic training and promote the values related to a job well done, carried out from a dimension of service to others.

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A story
with proper names

Colegio Alborada
Alborada School is located in Alcalá de Henares, in the eastern part of Madrid. The school opened in 2008 and currently has approximately 1.600 students.
Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria, Bachillerato
Colegio Arenales Arroyomolinos
The Arenales Arroyomolinos School is in the northern part of Arroyomolinos, a district in southern Madrid. It began operations in 2010 and currently serves more than 1.100 students.
Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria, Bachillerato
Colegio Arenales Carabanchel
The Arenales Carabanchel School is located in Avenida de los Poblados, in the District of Carabanchel in Madrid. It began operations in 2012 and presently has more than 1200 students.
Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria, Bachillerato
Colegio María Teresa
The Maria Teresa School is in the neighborhood of Valdelasfuentes, in Alcobendas, in the north of Madrid. It started operations in 2013 and now serves more than 1.100 students.
Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria, Bachillerato
Colegio Cambrils
Cambrils School opened its doors in 1984 in Mirasierra. It is an institution oriented to students with special educational needs, which welcomes children and young people from 3 to 21 years old. In 2015 it joined the network and changed its location to the neighborhood of Carabanchel.
Educación especial
Colegio Santa Mónica
Santa Mónica School is found in La Luna District, in the town of Rivas in the southeastern areas of greater Madrid. It opened in 2014 and currently has about 250 students.
Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria
Colegio Peñacorada
The Peñacorada School is an institution with much tradition and0 an outstanding reputation, serving students in the province of León. Since March 2016, it has been a member of the Arenales Foundation network. It currently has about 300 students from preschool to high school.
Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria, Bachillerato
Colegio Internacional Campolara
Colegio Internacional Campolarat began in 1992 and has developed a comprehensive educational project with more than 300 students. In 2017, it signed a Collaboration Agreement to join the Arenales Educational Network.
Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria, Bachillerato
Escuela Infantil La Inmaculada
La Inmaculada is a Kinder Garden located in Móstoles, Madrid with almost 100 children between 0 and 3 years old. Since 2018 it is part of Arenales Red Educativa.
Escuela Infantil Peñas Albas
Peñas Albas is a kinder garden for kids from 0 to 3 years old located in “urbanización Peñas Albas”, in Villalbilla, Madrid. Since 2018 it is part of the Arenales educational network.
Nostra Senyora de Montserrat
Ntra. Sra. De Montserrat school is located in Parets del Vallés, Barcelona. In 2018 it joined the Arenales educational network. It has 700 students of preschool, to high school.
Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria
Colegio NClic
NClic School is located in the city of Vitoria. Since 2018 it is part of Arenales Red Educativa. It has 240 students.
Infantil, Primaria
Escuela Infantil Nclic Salburua
Nclic Salburua is a kinder garden between 0 and 3 years old located on calle Varsovia (Vitoria-Gasteiz).
Colegio Nuestra Señora de la Merced
“Nuestra Señora de la Merced” school is a located in Miguelturra, Ciudad Real. Since 2018 it is part of Arenales Red Educativa. It has more than 300 students.
Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria
Colegio La Purísima y Santos Mártires
La Purísima and Santos Mártires school began its journey in 1898 in the city of Teruel. He joined Arenales Educational Network in 2018. It has about 250 students.
Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria
Colégio Externato Imaculada Conceição
The “Externato Imaculada Conceição” school is located in the city of Maia, in Porto, Portugal. In 2018 it joined Arenales Red Educativa. It has about 200 students.
Infantil, Primaria
Rīgas Katoļu Gimnāzijas
Rīgas Katoļu ģimnāzijas is a school located in the city of Riga, Latvia. Since June 2018, it has been a member of Arenales Foundation school network.
Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria
Colegio Santo Ángel de la Guarda
Santo Angel de la Guarda is a school located in the district of San Blas – Canillejas. In March 2019, it signed an agreement to join the Arenales school network.
Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria
Colegio Reinado del Corazón de Jesús
Reinado del Corazón de Jesús school is located in the Retiro district, very close to the Conde de Casal square. In May 2019, it signed an agreement to join the Arenales educational network.
Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria, Bachillerato
Shelton Academy
Shelton Academy & Preschool is a private school located in Miami (Florida), whose educational offer is Pre-School, Kindergarten, Lower and Upper Academy. In March 2019, it signed an advisory agreement with Arenales Red Educativa.
Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria, Bachillerato
Colégio Crystal de Talatona
The “Colégio Crystal de Talatona” is a school with international studies located in the city of Luanda, Angola. In 2018, it signed an advisory agreement with Arenales Red Educativa. It opened in February 2019. It teaches in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
Infantil, Primaria
Colegio Montessori Salamanca
Colegio Montessori Salamanca is a school that has all the educational stages, ranging from 2 to 18 years old. All of them have an innovative project adapted to the learning of the pupils with specific objectives both in terms of skills and personal development.
Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria, Bachillerato
Colegio Riogrande
Colegio Riogrande seeks to provide its students with high-level academic training, prioritizing educational innovation and promoting essential values ​​for comprehensive training, with a Christian Inspiration present transversally in the day-to-day life of the school.
Infantil, Primaria
Colegio Pedregales
Colegio Pedregales is a private, Catholic, mixed school that offers an educational project of academic excellence, personalized training and the development of human virtues and values.
Infantil, Primaria
San José

The “San José” school located in Palencia. An emblematic educational center of the Palencia capital with 67 years of history. Currently the center has an educational offer with the stages of Infant, Primary and Secondary. 

Courses: Infant, primary and secondary. 283 students.

Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria
Sant Marc
A school located in Barcelona, ​​whose character is based on being close, small and highlighting individualized attention from each student. Courses: From children to bachelor's degrees. Also FP. It has 484 students.
Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria, Bachillerato
La Milagrosa
A charter school with more than 40 years of experience in the city of Zaragoza. Its educational offering ranges from preschool to secondary school. A family school with close personal treatment. Educational quality and support for families are their arguments.
Infantil, Primaria
O Pelicano
A school surrounded by green areas in the capital of Portugal. Its academic offering begins in PRE-SCHOOL and goes up to 1st CEB. It also has a very interesting and recognized ATL offer in the city.
Infantil, Primaria
Escuela infantil Escuela primaria Escuela secundaria Escuela bachillerato Centros de Educación Especial