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A matured and contrasted evolution

Currently, almost all sectors require a transformation. Education too. Today it is not enough to repeat successful formulas in the past, or to quickly copy the latest trends. To achieve true differentiation, it is necessary to design and implement a cutting-edge educational project, based on a bold strategic vision, which distinguishes the essential from the accessory, focusing the talent and resources of the organization on a model that provides clear added value. to families.

With these premises 5 years ago IAM was born, a transformation project that arose from the need to create its own style to face the educational challenges of each moment.

At the moment, IAM (Innovation, Autonomy and Mentoring) is our style, which we use to tackle any project and is common to all the educational centers in the network.

  • Innovating means adapting and seeking different solutions to specific problems.
  • Autonomy that allows each student to be responsible for their decisions and to be able to take control of their lives.
  • Mentoring that encourages everyone to share and collaborate in the education of others.

The purpose is to improve academic excellence, education in values ​​and the extracurricular profile of the student.

Our Programs

There are three programs owned by Arenales Red Educativa aimed at promoting the personal growth of the student. Three resources that are born within IAM, and that have the purpose of educating our students in the construction of a better world with the help and commitment of the entire educational community. The programs have the collaboration and shared experience of the different centers of the Network.

Improve the training of students and families.

Classroom tutorials, School for Parents, Training for trainers, Talks on Christian formation.

Tutors prepared to address personal, classroom and family tutoring.
Transparency with all the participants involved in the training: families, teachers, students.
Promote the culture of collaboration between the trainers of the center and other centers of the network: teachers, counselors and chaplains.
Promote joint training between family and school.


Improve the extracurricular profile of the student, promoting the acquisition of skills and abilities
additional during their school career.

Extracurricular Activities, Intensive Weeks, Study Trips, Congresses, Conferences, Contests.

Reinforce the student’s education with additional skills to those offered by the ordinary curriculum.
Discover skills and competencies of students in other subjects outside the curriculum.
Value teacher training to enrich extracurricular subjects.

Achieve high levels of academic excellence in all educational stages of a center.

Growth visits between the Arenales schools.
Design of joint methodologies between the centers.
Design of good educational practices.
Transversal design of contents and methodologies between the different educational stages.
Coordination for the preparation of the EVAU (Secondary and Baccalaureate).

Study, work and implementation of common protocols for the improvement of the academic level.
Promote the culture of collaboration between the different professionals, from the different educational stages and from the different centers.
Commitment to monitoring and evaluation for continuous improvement.

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