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Improving society through education

Innovating is finding the best way to help each student at each moment.

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We want to be schools that learn collaboratively, that question what they do to try to do it better and better, always with a sense of service, of contributing to the improvement of society. Schools with a shared intelligence, because we are much better together than alone. We want every family, every student, every person who works with us, to feel that Arenales is part of their lives.

Alfonso Aguiló Pastrana
President of Arenales Red Educativa

Our proposal


At Arenales we feel responsible, together with the families, for the academic, personal and spiritual development of our students, constantly contributing to their training.

Education is more effective when synergies are found between family and school. That is why we promote the role of parents in the education of their children, and we try to involve families in the life and daily work of the school.

We want to educate in values ​​and, at the same time, awaken the critical capacity to facilitate a deep understanding of reality.

Our vocation is to serve our closest environment and always for the benefit of the whole society. For this reason, we strive every day to offer an education designed to generate a real impact wherever our students are present.


Our schools are open to all, whatever their beliefs. At Arenales we promote shared values ​​such as solidarity, respect, justice and honesty. All this, through a Christian vision of the person, which leads them to reach their best version with an attitude of service towards the world around them.


At Arenales we help each student discover and develop their own talents. Each person has very different qualities and must learn to make the most of them. We teach them to handle success and frustration, so that they understand that making mistakes is part of the path to maturity and development.

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Excellence in education requires a good assimilation of knowledge, which is why, at Arenales, we promote a culture of effort and perseverance, ensuring that students are inspiring people who create an environment in their environment that stimulates work and learning.

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We promote the learning of several languages ​​throughout all educational stages. Developing and deepening their language skills and the cultural level of our students. This allows us to promote multiculturalism and offer a global vision of the world that enriches your education.

The Network in figures


pass rate in official language tests such as: Cambridge Assessment, Trinity College, Oxford Test of English, TOEFL, SAT y Goethe Ins.


of families believe that the professional and personal excellence of teachers is vital for their children’s development.


of families see education in values ​​and human formation in our schools as very relevant.


of our families trust the personal, social and spiritual development process that we work on with our students.


Report Arenales Network 23-24

The new annual report of the Arenales Educational Network for the 23-24 academic year has already been published

Download it

Our methodology

BePlus, BeTutor and Izar are three of Arenales Red Educativa’s own programs aimed at promoting the student’s personal growth. Their purpose is to educate our students in the construction of a better world. They have the collaboration and shared experience of the entire Network.

Be Tutor

Improve the training of students and families.

Be Plus

Enhance the student's extracurricular profile.


Achieve high levels of academic excellence.

A network of all
and for all

We promote shared leadership that makes us all feel that we are protagonists in the decisions we make.

A network of all
and for all

We promote shared leadership that makes us all feel that we are protagonists in the decisions we make.

Discover our network of educational centres

A Network center maintains its own identity and is enriched by the contributions of others.

0 centres

Madrid, León, Barcelona, Álava, Ciudad Real, Burgos, Teruel, Salamanca, Oporto, Florida, Riga, Luanda, Encarnación de Paraguay, Santiago de Chile, Palencia, República Dominicana, Zaragoza, Lisboa, Nueva York, Ferrol, Munich

What do they want to be when they grow up?

At Arenales we offer the necessary tools for each child to develop their talent. We accompany you on this path and, together with your family, we will guide you to make the best decisions.

We want you to pursue your dreams, and feel that you are capable of achieving and overcoming obstacles with effort and courage.

The best professionals of tomorrow have to be trained from childhood, for this reason, we always work with the most appropriate formulas for the needs, circumstances and maturational stage of the student.

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